Download pokemon gold for pc

But, in Shiny Gold the whole classic avatar was changed and the character wasn't too attractive too look at. His hat was yellow which ties in with the Shiny 'Gold' aspect of it but it wasn't at all that nice to look at as it was a poor shading of the colour gold, as I say it was more yellow. The body of the character was really chubby and circular. If you look at his arms, they're like bean bags in a sense. I really didn't like the body. Even the colour used on the body too, the poor use of reds and golds, they weren't too pleasing in my my opinion.

Also, I didn't like that hairstyle your character had, it made him look slightly depressed in a sense which really didn't help attract me to the game.

Now for the graphics of the towns, trees, caves etc. Everything was very similar to Fire Red, the saturation and contrast of colours were exactly the same.

I really liked the colours used in this game, they were very clear and precise. They really made me want to continue playing the game, which I did! The towns were pretty amazing I must say, the creator of the game really made the effort to make the towns very attractive and eye-pleasing which I want to thank.

The towns were heavily worked on as they were terrible on the Game boy Color. The colours used in the town excited me, especially the use of shadowing and darkness, lightning shocks and rain in Eruteak city.

I fell in love with the graphics at this point. It was amazing how the creator could do it. I was really impressed, that's why I spent so much time in that city. The gold used in Goldenrod City was also very attractive too! That town was amazing, the cobbled paths were really attractive, great use of blacks an grays used there also.

The town was structured very well but some gates and fences were not needed and did not fit in with their surroundings. I didn't see the purpose of it, that time could have been spent editing the rocks and trees that weren't needed. The trees - I really didn't like how most of them were glitched in the game, you would see half trees everywhere which stood out and made me dislike the graphics very much.

They were so unfinished, this really impacted on my progress in the game as you'll find out in depth. There was a great use of the colour green used on the trees, mixed shades which was really nice to see, very similar to Fire Red in that sense too. There was rocks half cut as well, I would see these everywhere, blocking parts of the game. This really turned me off the game as the rocks were place anywhere and everywhere without any care.

The water was very nice, the tantalizing turquoises were pretty impressive, I would always surf just to look at them. Most features in Shiny Gold were almost identical to Fire Red, the Pokemon battles, the elite 4 rooms, the route colours. The sounds in this game were completely identical to Fire Red's sound which I really loved. It's always good to use old music because it reminds you of the times you spent playing Fire Red. It brought back memories. The classic sound that plays when you catch your first Pokemon, even though it plays every time you catch a Pokemon it's still pretty amazing to listen to.

It makes you feel that you completed a goal and to be proud of yourself. I also really enjoyed the creepy tunes of the basements in the game it makes you feel that your on a mission and you can't be seen. It really pulls on your senses, you're always alert in the basements because of the music. The Pokemon battle music is also very awesome to listen to, it's a really fast tune that gets your blood pumping and makes you really competitive and therefore you really want to win, and probably will do so.

The music also has great vibes to it. I really enjoyed listening to music in Goldenrod City and Saffron City, the music is very calm as relaxing an soothes you after all the battles in the routes before that town.

The music in Celadon is amazing too, it is a cheery song and was a perfect choice for that particular venue. Finally, the Pokemon league music, it was very, very forceful! The tunes were extremely fierce and filled you with determination and success. It made you believe that you could win. That's all I needed to win the league.

This game is highly addictive. I would play this game for hours a day, it was that brilliant! The more I played of the game the more I loved it. There were so many different things you could do in the game because there were two regions, Kanto ad Johto.

In one region you could so many rare pokemon which is always really exciting for me, just encountering these Pokemon makes me shiver, it's really fun! That's why I'm so addicted to Pokemon. Will it work? Disregard the hype behind the Pokemon franchise and all of the licensed products it has spawned. Even if you've never touched Pokemon, Gold and Silver is a must-play. Yes, but there's a lot more new in Pokemon Gold and Silver. This is the true sequel to the original Pocket Monsters game which debuted in Japan five years ago.

Note: Names and places used in this preview are from the Japanese version of the game and will likely change when it is released in the U. You begin your journey in Wakaba Town, where you say goodbye to your mother and grab one of three Pokemon from Dr. Utsugi see sidebar for the descriptions of the three. There are a total of Pokemon in the new games from the first, and too new.

Some of these are pre-evolved forms of popular monsters like Pikachu, Electabuzz and Clefairy. Get a male and a female of those and take them to a farming couple which breeds Pokemon and you'll get an egg about a half hour later see sidebar. Eevee can evolve into two additional forms-A psychic Eevee and a dark Eevee. Gold and Silver have two new types of Pokemon--Dark and Steel, in addition to later evolutions of some monsters like Onixand Slowbro.

Special versions of different monsters will turn up during the game too, and you'll only have one chance to catch them for instance, the Gyarados who's terrorizing a lake area is gold-colored, different from normal.

There are artwork differences between Gold and Silver--some Pokemon have different poses depending on which version you're playing. Like the previous versions there are monsters only available in one cart or the other. The Pokegear is possibly the handiest gadget in the game next to the backpack. With the Pokegear you can check the time, look at an overworld map, make and receive cellular phone calls and listen to the radio, among other things.

Keeping track of time is important as some monsters only appear during certain times of the day. You also must deal with Team Rocket, who are up to no good as usual.

After defeating the champion, you can then go to the Kanto Region where the previous game Red and Blue is set, and you can then take on the gym leaders from that game all leading up to the final battle. You get to fight the main character from the first game in the hardest battle of the game. The ending and the progress through this game creates a true masterpiece.

The area is all different with its own sense of atmosphere to them. Even though the game is pixel art, no pixel is wasted when making this masterpiece of a game.


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